Founder Foreword

16 Sep 2020, 15:28 Harry Ridwan Dibaca : 915

Message from The Chief Resident

Cardiology is an ever expanding field, every day we see new discovery and methods for patient treatment, and information is the key for these advances, through this website we hope to start a place for sharing experiences with other cardiology residents, please be patience with us for this website is a work in progress.

We are also very interested to have continuing and warmth relationship with other residents from different field of medicine which has the same interest in the field of cardiology. Together we can grow in harmony.

Best Regards,

Doni Friadi


Message from The Website Founder

My dream has always been to open our own website, because life without internet would be impossible for our generation. Thanks God, you made our dream comes true, that as a big family, now we could inform our internal and external activities; to express ourselves; to show our inspiration, creation and imagination;  to share with our “cardiology and internal medicine resident” friends and  let us expand our minds and begin thinking outside the box; to share with everyone: alumnus, medical co-assistant, nurse, friends, and everyone; and many others. 

I would like to thanks to our head of department, dr.Toni M. Aprami, SpPD, SpJP, our Study programme director dr. Erwan Martanto, Sp. PD., Sp. JP, and the staffs, who fully supports us to launch this website. Thank you also for the team who has taken the time preparing this site. You’re GREAT.  Hopefully, this website is constantly active, dynamic, interesting, lots of fun and informative. Let’s do it together.

Best Regards,
Badai Tiksnadi


Message from The Webmaster 

Expanding Universe was started from Here.. Publish to the world,  Guys  

Creation is the higheat actualization

Maintanance is the best perseverance

Best Regards,

Yandi Ariffudin
R.D. Robin Hendra Wibowo