18 Sep 2020, 20:37
Yogi Ramdani Dibaca : 454WHY I CHOOSE CARDIOLOGY ?
Why do we interest in Cardiology? What is special about this subject and the scope of work? Why do we prefer it over other specialization fields ?
When we decided to take this subject of specialization as our way of life, these questions were frequently asked to us, by our family or friends. There are lots of specializations in medicine, but we finally decided to choose this awesome subject. We believe that we have taken the right one, and the most importantly, we enjoy the days we study cardiovascular. If you have a similar interest in Cardiology, maybe these some reasons can encourage you further;
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in human, not just in developed countries, but also in developing countries such as Indonesia. This number of cases are getting increase over time.
Cardiovascular diseases are frequent cases encountered in daily medical practice
This subject of specialization encompasses any cardiovascular diseases in neonates, children, teenagers, adults, and elderly. So you can have patients with various backgrounds.
Cardiovascular medicine is a fast growing knowledge. There are tremendous researches, guidelines, and drugs published every day. That’s why there are so many scientific cardiovascular events on your calendar! This is absolutely a dynamic knowledge, and you will not getting bored on it. We are accustomed to being trained about evidence based medicine in clinical settings.
Cardiology is not an absurd or just theoretical knowledge, but it is objective and factual knowledge. There are many objective predictors, methods, drugs, and therapies in Cardiology.
The good news is Cardiology is a rather ‘simple’ knowledge, not a too broad-spectrum or confusing subject. It ‘just’ requisites logical thinking and motivation to follow updated issues.
There are lots of updated recommendations and guidelines in Cardiology that can improve our management of patients.
There are lots of challenging issues in Cardiology. If you like research, so that you have a huge chances to get involved in.
Cardiovascular diseases have many aspects of emergency settings, so that you can keep your adrenaline on.
Many cardiovascular diseases can be prevented well by doing good risk-assessment, screening, and early intervention. There are lots of developments in Preventive Cardiology that we can apply to our patients, especially to our beloved persons.
Cardiology is the most favorite subject of medicine in Europe and US, so then it also requisites the highest passing-grade.
Cardiologists are still needed in Indonesia, so this specialization will give you a good prospect of career.
Leonardo Paskah Suciadi
Pengirim : Leonardo Paskah Suciadi