Supraventricular Tachycardia Following Dengue
Haemorrhagic Fever

18 Sep 2020, 20:41 Harry Ridwan Dibaca : 352

Yandi Ariffudin, Januar Wibawa Martha, Eko Antono 

Dengue is an important mosquito-borne viral disease which is prevalent in many tropical countries. Cardiac complications in dengue are not common.   

Myocarditis is the most common documented cardiac pathology in dengue, however, only a few cases are reported in the world literature. Wiwanitkit proposed a probable reason for the low incidence of dengue myocarditis, that it might represented the rarity of the cases or it might be due to underdiagnosis and neglecting to report. 
1. Cardiac rhythm disorders, such as atrioventricular blocks 2 - 4   and ventricular ectopic beats, appear during infection and are attributed to viral myocarditis. However, supraventricular arrhythmias have not been reported. 
2. We present a case of acute Supraventricular Tachicardia, presumably atrioventricular tachycardia, successfully treated with intravenous verapamil following failure treatment with adenosine  in a 45-year-old woman with confirmed dengue hemorrhagic fever, who had no structural heart disease.

Pengirim : Yandi Ariffudin